Established in 2008, Shin Gane Aikido has been training and developing talented students for 8+ years and counting. We train on Wednesday night every week without a break in our schedule. At this time we have 13 students training from ages 13-58 years old. Class or techniques are arranged around the rank of the members on the mat during that class. At this time there is several aikidoka with the rank of 7th – 4th kyu as you can see by the testing page. If you are a first time ever on the mat you will still fit in with the rest of the class. The senior students will always remember that they were the beginner at one time thus making them egger to help the new student along with their lesson.
Testing is done when the student is ready and no sooner. We do not test a student just to be testing them to achieve a rank or earnings for the school. Our goal is to teach Aikido on all levels at each individual students learning rate. If the student has a will and a mind for a quality martial art, aikido will fit this need. We take pride in working with every student on their level of learning.
We also can work ‘one on one” in a private class for students who may need to make up a missed class or just want to get a better understanding of a specific tecnique from the instructor.
We have also trained outside in the fresh air when weather permits. This brings a different feel to training than inside a dojo.
We also train very strongly with a bokken (wooden sword), jo (wooden short staff or walking stick) and tanto (wooden knife). The weapons techniques in aikido are developed for a better understanding of the martial art. These techniques mimic the same maneuvers as the open hand and enhance the aikidoka’s unarmed skill.
Aikido training is an outstanding form of total fitness that blends core training, cardiovascular and flexibility in every session. This training also enhances your stamina and helps you participate in other sports.