The answer would go like this. If that person is a dedicated martial artist they will answer with only one word… ALWAYS!! With that thought in mind, I knew I had two students that were on the edge of their next kyu test. I would notice in thier training the ability to preform the thesting requirment tecniques with ease.
I also noticed in the last couple of kyu tests, my two students had issues with pre-test jitters. I naturally wanted them to test at their highest ability, so I decided to spring a kyu test on these two students at the end of our regular two hour class.
I had made arrangements with my wife to come by the school with her casino online good digital camera to record the event earlier in that day. On my way to the dojo I called Sensei Freeman and asked him if he could come and preside over the test. Both my wife and Freeman senei had agreed to not to show up until the end of the class. Never giving away my plans for the test.
When they both arrived, I completed the normal class and announced to the school that there would be a test. The look on the two student’s faces was priceless. I had just run them hard during the earlier hour and half class and they had given me their all. I knew there was not much of them left to spend on their test, which was exactly my plan.
They along with their ukes gave it their all and it was an amazing test. As I have said in the past, I would never test someone before their time. These two students Joe Gowen and Ronald Peper were over due for their next rank and it showed so wonderfully during their pop-test.