Shin Gane Aikido Dojo 7th KYU Test Student Name; Date Etiquette score F-A coments / remarks za rei bowing while sitting ritsu rei bowing while standing Kamae stance / posture Hidari tachi kamae left foot farword standing stance Migi tachi kamae right foot farword standing stance Henka yoko tachi kamae change side in standing stance… Read More >
7th KYU Test
welcome two new students
I would like to welcome two new students and a returning student to the Shin Gane Aikido dojo family. Kerry Boner Micah Feliciano and returning student: Becky Speeler
Congratulations to;
Congratulations to; Becky Speeler and Kerry Boner for achieving their 7 kyu rank. They both had a very solid test. Becky was asked to demonstrate sumi otoshi. This technique is not a requirement of her 7 kyu test. She demonstrated the ability to preform sumi otoshi thus demonstrating the advancements of the Shin Gane students…. Read More >
Have you ever wondered about maai and how it really works?
Have you ever wondered about maai and how it really works? Distance and “speed of an attack” in part creates the timing of an attack. While I was teaching class last night I wanted a student to press or “compress” the space and distance between themselves and the Uke. They were still not really catching… Read More >